Episode 19: Recognizing the Source of Your Emotions to Free yourself from Emotional Suffering

Welcome to Selfies of the Mind: New Lens, New Filter, New View. I’m Nadja El Fertasi, your host and the founder of Thrive with EQ. In this podcast, we embark on a journey to turn life’s challenges into emotional alchemy, transforming pain into power and adversity into resilience.

Each episode is a guide to harnessing emotional intelligence and navigating your personal hero’s journey. In today’s episode, we’re diving deep into how to rewrite your story with a new lens and a fresh perspective. It’s time to stop identifying with your trauma and start seeing yourself as the hero of your own life. ✨ *

Action for Today: Your Hero's Journey Exercise ✨

Write down your story from a hero’s perspective. Every experience you went through, every challenge you faced, how did it shape you into the person you are today?

If writing isn’t your thing, record it as a voice note or visualize it. The goal is to shift your focus from what happened to you, to how it happened for you.

Thank you for tuning in! If today’s episode resonated with you, leave a review and share your thoughts.

Stay Connected

Find me on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nadja-elfertasi/

Explore my resources on emotional intelligence, resilience, and self-empowerment: https://www.thrivewitheq.com/emotional-intelligence-resiliency-digital-age-success