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Three Ways to Increase Your EQ and Make Better Decisions under Stress decision-making

In the midst of a blackout, a missile was launched. The decision-makers only had a 6-second time window to collect data and determine if it was from an enemy state or being used for military exercises.

The data needed to be coordinated at tactical, operational, and strategic levels within this...

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Use the Power of EQ: The Three Keys to Building Strong Work Relations interpersonal relations

 Did you ever wonder why the military is big on the phrase: “MISSION FIRST: One Team, One Fight”?

At first, I did not believe in this mantra when I started working with NATO and military officers.

While managing tactical helicopter programs in Southern France within a small...

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Maximizing EQ: A Three Step Process for Effective Communication communication skills

Effective communication is crucial in every aspect of life, including in high-stakes situations such as discussing classified state-sensitive information with a 4-star military general.

But what if you were doing it while wearing a flower print dress and semi-high heels?

This was a reality for me...

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How to Develop Your Emotional Intelligence and Self Confidence with these Three Steps self-confidence

As someone who has risen through the ranks at NATO from Secretary to Senior Executive, I know firsthand the importance of self-confidence in achieving success.

Over the past two decades, I have been involved in large digital transformation programs that required me to build and re-build a strong...

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Navigating a VUCA World: Strategies for Overcoming the Challenges vuca challenges

My professional journey began at NATO, where I started working at the age of 21 in Southern France. The NATO agency in Aix-en-Provence was like a dream come true with its beautiful scenery, delicious food, and long lunch breaks.

However, I soon realized that command and control leadership was...

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Debunking 7 Common Myths about Emotional Intelligence (EQ) what is emotional intelligence

"Nadja, emotional intelligence is just a bunch of nonsense. It's not a real field or science, and it undervalues our ability to think rationally and analytically. IQ scores are what represent true intelligence!"

I felt a wave of excitement when faced with such a direct challenge. I was eager for...

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What is Emotional Intelligence and Why Does It Matter? what is emotional intelligence

Consider the challenges and desired outcomes below:


X -During business strategy meetings, I am often criticized for being too logical and technical, without considering other perspectives.

V - For this reason, I developed a step-by-step process for analyzing business problems from...

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