Emotional Firewalls Against Social Engineering Scams: The Art of Preparedness

cyber security challenges emotional firewalls emotional intelligence Oct 15, 2023
Cyber Security Awareness Month Event Recording

Today's event is part of a three-event series designed to showcase my work beyond words. We're diving into the intersection of social engineering, scams, and emotional intelligence in a safe and engaging environment.

My journey began with nearly two decades at NATO, focusing on crisis management, security, cyber, and stakeholder engagement. While my expertise lies in international relations and security studies, my true passion has always been understanding human behavior and psychology. After a life-changing burnout in 2019, I founded Thrive with EQ just before the pandemic.

In today’s digital age, headlines often focus on the technical aspects of scams—the financial loss, infiltration methods, and digital firewalls. However, they often overlook a crucial element: human emotion. Social engineering exploits not just systems but our feelings, cognitive biases, and triggers, creating vulnerabilities that no technical firewall can mitigate.


The Necessity of Emotional Firewalls

One notable example of this vulnerability is the MGM Resorts data breach in Las Vegas, where a dynasty worth $33 billion was threatened by a mere 10-minute phone conversation. A hacker impersonated an employee and successfully gained unauthorized access by tricking tech support.

This incident underscores the necessity for "Emotional Firewalls." Emotional intelligence is a well-established discipline that connects the dots between emotional intelligence and cyber resilience. My goal is to provide tools to transform individuals from the weakest link to a stronghold in the chain of cybersecurity.

We need both technical protection and a strengthened human layer. Employees at the help desk need more than technical training; they need to spot emotional red flags, develop self-awareness, and cultivate better ways of operating amidst these threats.


Empowering Individuals with Emotional Intelligence

Scenario 1: The Eager Millennial's Misstep

Name: Emily

Age: 28

Occupation: Project manager at a fintech start-up

EQ Level: Self-confident but often ensnared by her own haste

Emily's urgency led her to click on a phishing link without verifying its authenticity. Her emotional triggers, like a sense of urgency and trust in familiar sources, lowered her emotional firewall, making her susceptible to scams.

EQ Markers and Cybersecurity


  • Low Score: Reacts impulsively, missing cross-checking the email's authenticity.
  • High Score: Assesses situations meticulously, reducing scam risks.

Reality Testing:

  • Low Score: Overlooks inconsistencies, leaving her vulnerable.
  • High Score: Questions and verifies anything that seems amiss.

What Emily Overlooked

  • Self-Awareness: Emily neglected to assess her emotional triggers.
  • Reality Testing: She failed to question the email's authenticity.


Scenario 2: The Overwhelmed Senior Professional

Name: Mark

Age: 47

Occupation: Senior finance professional at a high-profile bank

EQ Level: Generally balanced, but stress unravels him

Mark’s high-stakes job and tight deadlines often lead to impulsive actions. Understanding his emotional triggers and developing coping mechanisms through emotional intelligence training can strengthen his emotional resilience.


Scenario 3: The Ambitious Executive Assistant

Name: Claire

Age: 25

Occupation: Executive Assistant at a SaaS start-up

EQ Level: Ambitious but lacks emotional resilience

Claire’s eagerness to meet expectations makes her quick to act, particularly when she believes it's an urgent request from her boss. Understanding her emotional triggers and strengthening her emotional resilience can help her make more informed decisions.


Emotional Blindspots in the Age of Social Engineering

Social engineering attacks exploit human vulnerabilities—our emotional blind spots. Younger professionals, eager to impress, often fall prey to urgency and pressure. Organizations must invest in nurturing emotional resilience and assertiveness in their teams to reduce these risks.

Generative AI: A Double-Edged Sword

Generative AI crafts highly persuasive phishing emails, exploiting fears and insecurities. It’s crucial to cultivate intuition and pay attention to emotional firewalls signaling caution.


Final Thoughts: Take Your Time, The World Won't Stop

At the intersection of technology and human behavior, it's crucial to slow down and assess before reacting. Your emotional firewalls are there to protect you.

Are you ready to enhance your cybersecurity strategy with emotional intelligence? Connect with me on LinkedIn or schedule your discovery call to explore how I can help you build and steer a healthy, cyber-resilient culture.

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