Enhancing Decision-Making Under Stress: The Role of Emotional Intelligence

decision-making Nov 14, 2022
A picture of coloured post-it notes that has either a yes or a no or a question mark written on them.

In high-stakes environments, such as military operations or cybersecurity incident responses, the ability to make swift, effective decisions under pressure is crucial. This blog explores three key emotional intelligence competencies that are vital for making informed decisions in stressful situations: problem-solving, reality testing, and impulse control.

Key Characteristics of Effective Decision-Making with EQ

The EQ-i 2.0 model provides tools that are essential for decision-makers, especially in situations where rapid and reliable judgment is required.


Effective problem-solving requires the ability to regulate emotions and consider various perspectives, particularly in crisis scenarios:

  • Low Problem-Solving Skills: Individuals may become overwhelmed by stress, leading to poor or hasty decision-making.
  • Moderate Problem-Solving Skills: Individuals can handle typical situations but may struggle under unusual stress, impacting their ability to find optimal solutions.
  • High Problem-Solving Skills: Individuals excel in stressful scenarios, maintaining emotional balance and crafting innovative solutions that consider all aspects of a situation.

Reality Testing

Reality testing is the capacity to remain objective by separating facts from one's emotions or biases, a critical skill in environments where decisions have far-reaching consequences:

  • Low Reality Testing Skills: May result in decisions based on distorted perceptions of reality, influenced by personal biases or emotional reactions.
  • Moderate Reality Testing Skills: Generally effective but can occasionally be swayed by emotions or preconceived notions.
  • High Reality Testing Skills: Consistently distinguishes between subjective feelings and objective facts, ensuring decisions are grounded in reality.

Impulse Control

Impulse control involves managing urgent emotions and drives to prevent rash decisions:

  • Low Impulse Control: Leads to reactionary behaviors that can compromise decision quality and lead to regrettable outcomes.
  • Moderate Impulse Control: Usually maintains composure but may occasionally react impulsively under extreme stress.
  • High Impulse Control: Exceptionally good at delaying responses and actions, allowing for thorough analysis and consideration before making a decision.


For leaders and professionals operating in high-stress, high-stakes environments, mastering these emotional intelligence competencies is not just beneficial—it's imperative. By enhancing your EQ skills, you can ensure that your decisions are not only quick but also correct, even under the most challenging conditions.

Interested in sharpening your decision-making abilities under stress? Schedule a discovery call with me, and let's discuss how we can leverage emotional intelligence to elevate your leadership and crisis management skills.

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